Every Student Is Unique. Their School Should Be Too!

Every Student Is Unique. Their School Should Be Too!

Many students and families have already made the decision to attend online school in the fall, but how do they choose the right one? More and more families are seeing the benefits of online learning, and the education community is responding by offering more options every day. With so many choices, how can families make sure they are making the right decision for their student?

Students First

Many online schools boast about numbers, but all numbers don’t necessarily correlate to  better education. A big school may seem like a successful school, but students are more than numbers! Especially in an online setting, what is important to students remains the same throughout generations, and that is relationships. What kind of relationships are encouraged and developed between students, staff, and teachers? 

At GlobalED Solutions, students are first, all day, every day. Every student has a dedicated personal life coach to guide them and their family through all parts of their educational journey. GlobalED’s life coaches make sure their students know about all the options available to them and help them to choose the right ones for them. They connect students with their academic teachers and other staff members, and even help them to navigate social and emotional issues, directing them to support staff as needed. Every staff member is encouraged by the mantra, “If you are not helping a student, help someone who is.” This kind of teamwork with the student as the center is what makes GlobalED students successful in school and prepared for life after graduation. 

Respect for All

Regardless of a student’s background, ethnicity, gender, family income level, past or current life choices, GlobalED staff and teachers meet that student where they are, without judgment. Every single student is treated with respect, from their personal interactions with staff members to the ways in which funds and resources are allocated to best serve all students. Each student is recognized as unique and there is no “one size fits all” approach to their education. 

Although data is useful in informing educators of trends within their student population, numbers aren’t everything. What is important is the individual successes of each and every student. Some of those successes are quantifiable, but inflated numbers posted by big online schools may not tell the whole story. Student testimonials and conversations with staff members will give a clearer picture.

Community Engaged

Some students and families worry that online school may be isolating for students. This does not have to be the case, however. GlobalED Education Zones are each unique. At some, students can participate in sport-specific athletic training, leadership opportunities, clubs, and programs. In addition, Monthly Community Connection activities take place at every GlobalED Education Zone. Holiday dinners, coat drives, and the annual Angel Tree, are some of the ways GlobalED students participate in community engagement. GlobalED believes that the best way to find yourself is in the service of others. 

In order to choose the right online school for a student, families can look beyond the numbers at the core beliefs and commitments that are important to each organization. Students First, Respect for All, and Community Engagement are all great reasons for students to choose GlobalED Solutions for their online education.