Academic Help for Online Students

Parents considering online school may wonder if there is academic support available for their students. They may picture online students just left alone with a laptop and a semester of work to do. Thankfully, this is far from the reality of online school with GlobalED, especially since very few students could succeed in this environment! GlobalED students have many opportunities to access the support they need in their classes, including in-person or live virtual tutoring, live lessons, and 24/7 academic support from certified teachers in all core areas. 


At GlobalED’s Community Education Zones, students can drop in to meet with GlobalED Life Coaches and other staff members. They can meet up with other students, or schedule in-person tutoring sessions. What about students who don’t live near an education zone, or simply want to do their work from home? These students can schedule their tutoring sessions online, either with the nearest Education Zone staff or with their online teachers. In that case, teachers or Education Zone staff meet virtually with students online to go over specific areas of content and guide students through their coursework. 

Live Lessons

GlobalED students are allowed to work at their own pace, as long as they are completing coursework and meeting quarter and semester deadlines. However, they also have the option of working along with their online teachers and attending live lessons, just like they would in a regular classroom. The only difference is that they attend the live lessons online. Each teacher has a schedule of live lessons. Students can login and attend as many or as few as they need in order to be successful.

Academic Support
Online students can create their own schedules. With this in mind, it is likely that students will be working after traditional school hours. What happens if students working after hours need help? GlobalED students have the option of online help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through their curriculum provider. They can access live help from certified teachers in all core subjects. Then, they can follow up with their own teacher during regular school hours. 

Online students at GlobalED have many opportunities to access the help they need in order to succeed in all their classes. Often, that help is just a click away!