How to Determine if Traditional Education is Not Working for Your Child

Schools all over the country are back in session for the fall and parents are posting “first day of school” pictures all over social media. But beneath those smiles, some students are struggling with traditional education.

How do parents know when they should make a change for their children?

Students are not engaged

Kids are not going to love every school subject, but if they just don’t care about any subject, they may be disengaged. Disengaged students are at risk of failing or dropping out. Online schools often have exciting up-to-date learning platforms, new ways of presenting material, and even re-engagement and credit recovery programs that can help disengaged students to complete their education and thrive in school.

Students don’t feel safe

Sadly, safety at school has become a serious issue, and increasingly so in recent years. Students may fear bullying, illness, threats, or violence while they are at school. They may have anxiety over even going to school each day. When a student is constantly in fear, their “fight, freeze or flight” response is activated and learning takes a back seat in their brain. Online students can work from home or other places where they feel safe and can focus on learning. Some online schools even offer social and emotional learning platforms and resources, as well as wrap-around services that help the whole child to grow and overcome their fears while not sacrificing daily learning.

Students are not being prepared for the future

What families want most from their children’s education is for students to be prepared for the future. This can mean college or career preparation, and many things in between. Some traditional schools can get stuck in old ways, preparing students for career paths that are no longer available or sustainable. Or, schools can become so focused on every student going to college that they forget to prepare young people for lucrative and fulfilling jobs that don’t require a four-year degree. If parents don’t feel that students are being adequately prepared for their future, it is time for a change. Many online schools are forward thinking, offering revised curriculums and programs to meet the needs of an ever changing world. 

Parents often have a feeling that something is just not right for their child at school, but they may not know exactly what to look for or when to make a change. However, if a student is disengaged, feels unsafe, or is not being adequately prepared for the future by traditional school, it may be time to check out the online education options available.

Every child is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning. Online schools offer new ways of learning, flexible schedules and the safety of learning from home, as well as up-to-date career and college preparation. Our world is changing, and online schools are responding by changing education to meet the needs of today’s young people!

Switching from traditional school offers many benefits for students who perform better with an online or hybrid environment. As some students require more time to adjust than others, so see our tips on transitioning from traditional public school to online school. If you are considering alternatives to traditional education for your student or yourself, speak with a friendly GlobalED Solutions representative about our online school options for both middle and high school.