Exploring Career Pathways in 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade

GlobalED makes academic instruction relevant through multiyear, high impact pathways students can begin exploring in middle school. Why is this important? For one thing, statistics show that 94% of students in CTE or career pathway courses complete high school and graduate. This is 10% higher than the national average for graduation. Also, students who complete their CTE pathways are prepared for careers in growing fields like IT (Information Technology), Education, Healthcare, and more.

So, how does this look for middle school students?  Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade have opportunities to delve into courses specifically designed for them. Middle school is a great time for students to begin to discern their likes, dislikes, and interests. Students can explore various career and college options so they can make more informed choices in high school.

6th Grade: Digital Citizenship

GlobalED 6th grade students may enroll in a course called Digital Citizenship. This course encourages them to consider the best ways to find, create, and share information in a digital world. Students explore ways to maximize information and communication technology and learn to create online content such as emails, blogs, social media, videos, and podcasts. These activities open possibilities, not only to be successful in online courses, but it they introduce basic skills necessary for careers in fields such as IT, Business Management and Administration, Marketing, Finance, Arts, Audio Video Technology, and Education.

7th Grade:  Exploring College and Careers

Students in 7th grade at GlobalED explore many different types of careers, building a basic understanding of each one. Careers are studied in clusters, so students can learn what types of opportunities exist in a variety of fields. They can also begin to understand what types of skills and what level of education each career requires. During this time, students may get excited about many different career paths, or lose interest in something they thought they would enjoy. This is all a healthy part of self discovery and will help students to make informed choices about college and career pathways in the future.

8th Grade: Embark on a Pathway

GlobalED 8th graders do not have to lock into one single pathway, but at this stage, they can try out one of several different introductory courses to see what they like. If they think they would enjoy a specific pathway, they can continue with the next courses on that plan of study. If they find that they don’t really fit into a career field, once they know more about it, they can try something else. Students in 8th grade have a wide variety of exploratory courses they can can take, including Exploring Agriculture Science and Business, Exploring Health Sciences, Business and Information Technology, or Engineering and Technology.

GlobalED is connecting more students to bright futures with career-connected learning, beginning as early as middle school.